
DHS Power G7

Item# SCPG7
Brand: DHS
Class: OFF
Speed: 88
Control: 65
Blade Weight: 89
Plies: 7w
Blade Thickness: 6.3
Blade Handles: FL, ST
Material: All Wood



DHS Power G7 is a 7-ply wood blade with incredible energy and power. The inner 5 plies uses "high pressure ballonet" technology that creates quick ball rebound. The outer surface is treated through a special technique which makes it excel at mid-long distance looping as well as quick attack drives.
Superb Power and Excellent control

This blade is truly amazing, so powerful and with large sweet spot, control is perfect.

- Peter Molendha, CO


Just bought this blade and pair it with Hurricane II and Skyline III and all I have to say is wow. You can feel vibration when hitting the ball at high speeds but added grip tape and now the feedback from hitting/blocking is perfect! I previously owned a DHS 4002, KIllerSpin, and Donic ovtcharov carbospeed but this DHS is the most well balanced. * Speed 9/10 * Control 9/10 * Spin 9/10

- Tagi, CA